Are Credit Cards Profitable During The Economic Recession?In connection with the financial crisis many people are afraid of taking credit and moreover prefer to avoid applying for credit cards as they think there's a chance to fall into heavy debts. However, those people who make credit card application at the moment can even profit from that cause in spite of the higher rates banks offer beneficial credit card perks! Of course, not all credit companies have really profitable card deals but if you browse through the net thoroughly, you can find some good credit card websites that provide nice plastic money deals that you can take advantage of! One of them is, a reputable site that allows you to compare best card deals available on the credit market and provides free expert help aimed at assisting consumers in all credit related problems.  Certainly it's up to you whether to apply for a plastic or not but credit offers at this site are so enticing that hardly be rejected!
Personally, I don't think you can "profit" from a low interest rate on a credit card ever. Why?
For one, that rate can change at any time, and I don't trust credit card companies at all!
I actually decided NOT to ask for a lower rate on my credit cards, because ultimately you want to carry no balance on those!
I think securing a lower rate might tempt me to leave money on them which is not something I need to be doing.
I say let them charge their high rates. I just won't pay them any interest. ; )